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Doubts about breast augmentation surgery

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cirugia_plastica En las consultas two artistic Cirugía Estetica y es muy común recibir infinidad Acerca de preguntas de la Cirugía de aumento de mamas . Dr. Jesus Benito, plastic surgeon Clínica Tres Torres, solves some of the most frequently asked questions. This depends on the volume that women choose. If excessive, obviously you will notice. It will also depend on the type of implants that apply, if they are adaptable way or round. Referring to volume, the physician should investigate the expectations of the patient and make some measurements to see if they can combine measures prostheses with anatomical characteristics of the patient. Finally, a few meters simulation is done to see what the end result will.

Can there be rejection?

Medical silicone used in breast implants application is the safest materials available, so usually have not produced rejection. What may happen is that there is an infection or contamination, something that occurs in less than 1% cases and causes that the implant has to be removed.

Technical developments

Medical advances in technology have made implants today are much better and safer than a decade ago. The rate of complications, as we mentioned, It is very low and the surgery itself is very safe. The prosthesis is placed through the armpit with scars or are, and you can choose if placed in front of or behind the muscle. Medical professionals also play with adipose tissue so that the output looks much more natural. As for the recovery, Patients can go home the next day and can lead and work within a few days. As regards price, varies depending on the place where they perform, although clinical prestigious round 6.000 euros.

Relationship with breast cancer

The operation of breast implants has nothing to do with the onset or development of breast cancer. A woman in the Western world has a 10% risk of disease, operating or not. Los controles de mama que existen a día de hoy son excelentes y la medicina ha avanzado mucho al respecto a nuestro favor.
