Hair grafting involves the removal of a strip of skin covered with permanent hair from the back or sides of the scalp. (donor site) for, later, split into micro-and mini-grafts implanted grafts then meticulously area present balding scalp or density reduction (receiving area).

hair graftDepending on the degree of baldness or the front area of ​​the crown, may be necessary for one to three interventions involving the realization of several hundred to achieve the desired graft density. Within 24 hours small crusts form on each graft, that emerge in the next seven to ten days. Typically the grafted hair falls the first month and begin to grow in a 3 a 6 months postoperatively, and growing life.

How is hair graft surgery?

hair graft El hair transplant is a surgical procedure that usually lasts between 5 and 7 hours. More local anesthesia is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis or narcosedación. The patient is usually awake, but relaxed due to the administration of a mild sedative. At the end of surgery is placed on the scalp in the form of a bandage turban to keep firm and sure grafts for 48hrs. The donor site, from which the grafts are made permanent, is closed with sutures that are removed between seven and twelve days.

Although complications are rare in such small interventions infection around a hair follicle can result in new deployment, same thing happens when an ingrown hair or a pimple becomes infected when. Small scars that occur in the donor area as a result of the removal of donor skin are narrow and easy to hide with hair around.

Grafting points of the front receiving area heal almost invisibly and are covered by the transplanted hair. Patients may experience mild swelling of the forehead area in the days following the intervention and, rarely, palpebral ecchymosis eye feature if transplantation occurs in the frontal area.

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