Surgery to rejuvenate the face and neck.- Facelift surgery is indicated when there is sagging and descent of the soft tissues of the face.

This procedure in addition to resect the excess skin on the face is done, uses a technique through which rearranges and tightens the muscles of the face giving the best postoperative outcome with a more natural appearance and an almost imperceptible scars, also ensuring a result that may remain for a period of ten to fifteen years, depending on the feeding and care of each patient.

face surgery

The neck surgery

It made for a face lift if neck skin is wrinkled or has fallen over time. This procedure tightens the muscles under the skin of the neck with a collar providing a more youthful appearance and couple. Neck dissection is a major surgery done to remove lymph nodes that have cancer and is performed in the hospital. Before surgery, You will receive general anesthesia, thus be asleep and unable to feel pain.

There are three main types of surgery for neck dissection.

  • Radical neck dissection: All tissue is removed at the side of the neck from the mandible to the clavicle. The muscle was removed, nerves, salivary gland and the main blood vessel in this area.
  • And modified radical neck dissection: This is the most common type of neck dissection. All lymph nodes are removed. Less tissue is removed than with radical neck dissection. This surgery can also preserve the nerves in the neck and, sometimes, blood vessels or muscle.
  • Selective neck dissection: If the cancer has not spread much, must remove fewer lymph nodes. You can also preserve muscle, nerve and blood vessel in the neck.Surgery to rejuvenate the face and neck

You should refrain from:

  • Take any aspirin (aspirin), ibuprofen or other NSAIDs (AINE) during the first days
  • Smoking and being exposed to cigarette smoke
  • Make efforts, bending, and lifting objects immediately after surgery

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