Abdominoplasty is the operation consisting in the removal of excess skin and abdominal fat and in the correction of muscle flaccidity. This situation of excess skin and relaxation of the abdominal wall usually occurs in patients who have had weight gain and subsequent loss or in women who have had several pregnancies. Abdominoplasty achieves a flatter abdomen, firmer and a narrower waist.
The procedure is performed under epidural or more narcosedación general anesthesia, practiced an incision above the pubic hair that extends to hips. Abdominal skin is released and, si es need, reinforce the abdominal muscles with stitches. It pulls down the excess skin and removes.
Postoperatively the patient wear a special bandage for about a month. Scars around the navel and lower abdomen better over the course of time. However, in some cases it is necessary to perform a scar revision under local anesthesia the past 3 from 6 months.
Who is the ideal candidate to undergo a tummy tuck?
Ideal candidates to undergo a tummy tuck are those women or men who have relatively good shape but are concerned about the accumulation of fat or excess skin in the abdomen and is not improving despite diet or exercise. This surgery is especially useful in women who have had multiple pregnancies, after which the skin and abdominal muscles have relaxed and have not recovered their initial tone.
It can also improve the loss of skin elasticity in older people, situation often associated with moderate obesity. Those patients who have to lose a lot of weight should postpone the surgery, as patients who intend to have future pregnancies, during surgery as vertical muscles in the abdomen can become tense and relax during this. If there are previous abdominal scars, This surgery may be contraindicated or scars can change position. In other cases, remove this surgery gets.
If for example you only have fat accumulation in the area below the navel, may be sufficient performing a less complex procedure called mini-abdominoplasty. In other cases, and you will perform a full abdominoplasty or mini-abdominoplasty, may be associated with liposuction of the back and hips to improve body shape more harmoniously. In any case, the plastic surgeon near you, determine the optimal procedure that will provide a better body shape. During the consultation, the plastic surgeon will also explain what type of anesthesia used, whether or not to enter the clinic where the surgery and the cost of the intervention is made.
Where surgery is performed?
The tummy tuck and mini-tummy tuck is always performed in the operating room, within a clinic. They are procedures that should not be performed in office.
After surgery (post-operative)
During the first days the abdomen is often swollen and some may notice discomfort or pain is controlled with medication. Depending on the extent of the surgery, you can go home after a few hours or remain 1 from 2 days in clinical, you should start walking as soon as possible. The points of the external skin will be removed from the 5 and 7 days; internal points, whose ends leave by the ends of the incision, in 10 a 15 days. The dressing for an abdominal binder is replaced the day after surgery.
The results
Abdominoplasty, either full or mini-abdominoplasty, provides excellent results in patients whose abdominal muscles are weak and have excess skin and fat. In most cases results are definitive, provided that regular exercise is accompanied by a balanced diet and. If you are realistic about your expectations and is able to tolerate the presence of a definitive abdominal scar, although concealable, and a recovery period long, tummy tuck may be right for you.
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