Lifting facial.- As we age, the effects of gravity, sun exposure and stress of everyday life are seen in our faces. Deep grooves form between the nose and mouth; cheeks fall; appear around the neck fat and wrinkles. Cervical-A facelift can not stop this process; however, What it does do is stop the clock, improving the most visible signs of aging, tensing the muscles of the face, removing excess fat and redistributing the skin of the face and neck.

El lifting facial can be performed isolated or associated with other procedures such as blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery), double chin liposuction or rhinoplasty (nose surgery).LIFTING FACIAL


The incisions in the cervical-facial lifting Classic is made in the scalp, around the ears and end in the occipital area (next to nape). Through these incisions, the surgeon makes a more or less comprehensive skin detachment, in order to obtain a tensioning of the same. Using the same approach, the surgeon can reduce fat deposits and tighten muscles that have become flaccid, giving the face a firmer appearance. There is also the lifting manequen, for patients who do not require large changes in which reduced incisions.

After the intervention, which usually lasts 3 and 5 hours, depending on the width of it and if treatment is eyelid, double chin liposuction, etc., some drains are placed to reduce the possibility of bruising and reduce swelling.


Postoperatively a variable degree of swelling of the face and neck will be observed, ecchymosis (bruising) and tightness. These complaints are transient and resolve spontaneously or with analgesics.

Most of the scars are hidden in the hair above the scalp and temples to the nape. Only in an area around the ear and in the first weeks after surgery, may notice some scars, that, moreover, they can be easily concealed with hairstyle.

At 5-6 days begins to remove the stitches, process to finish performing 8-10 days. Usually, on the third postoperative week can make a normal life, even incorporated their professional work. Interventions facelift not only achieved a remarkable rejuvenation but, also, the apparent age is delayed for a long time in relation to chronological age. If over the years bring them again to wrinkles and folds appear, operation could be performed again.

The possible complications of a facelift are rare and, In most cases, Transitional: hematomas (accumulation of fluid), healing defects, hair loss on the scalp scar, altered mobility of the eyebrow or lips, etc.. Only rarely is needed small additional operations to treat these complications in the immediate postoperative period or late.

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