Mentoplasty, chin augmentation or genioplasty is a surgical intervention that aims to modify the size of the chin to achieve a more proportionate and attractive face, correcting congenital facial asymmetries or those caused by an accident.

Why is it done?

Chin Augmentation

Its objective is to balance the appearance of the face, making the chin longer and larger compared to the nose. People who have small or receding chins but have a normal bite, are the best candidates for this type of surgery.

Mentoplasty creates a more harmonious profile for the patient and is sometimes accompanied by a rhinoplasty, generating a suitable global profile with harmonic proportions as a whole. Definitely, achieve a more defined chin, a harmonic profile, a decrease in double chin, an imperceptible scar, symmetrical and natural appearance, inter alia.

Facial implants are specially formed of biocompatible silicone solids, designed to improve or enhance the physical structure of your face. The exact type and size of implants best suited for you requires an assessment of the objectives, the features to edit and review your surgeon.

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