The IPL process uses intense pulsed light for hair removal of unwanted hair, putting an end to routine shaving or waxing.

Treatments with IPL transform your skin making it silkier and smoother.

This technology transcends the older, painful hair removal. It can be used to treat larger areas such as the back, thighs, arms, legs and face, and, Best of all is that this is a safe method, fast, gentle and effective for the progressive removal.Intense Pulsed Light

What are the benefits of intense pulsed light hair removal?

They can be treated larger areas simultaneously.
It works equally well on light skin and dark skin.
There is less likely to produce pigmentary changes.
Less pain and discomfort compared to other hair removal techniques.
IPL is effective on almost any area of ​​the body where smooth skin is desired, with youthful appearance and hair free.

How many treatments will be necessary?

The number of treatments required for optimal long-term benefits depends on the area treated, hair density and growth cycle of the same.

It grows on old cycles are regulated by multiple factors influence. Age, race, weight, hormones, diet, medication and metabolism, inter alia, play an important role in locating hair, thickness and resistance.

IPL slows the growing capacity of follicles and the cycle of growth while. Sometimes, some hair follicles may begin to grow after treatment, so it may require several sessions (of 4 a 8) to achieve optimal results.

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