Breast augmentation surgery, is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of the female breast in the following situations: to enhance the silhouette of the woman who has her breasts too small, to correct breast reduction that occurs after some pregnancies, correcting a difference in size between both breasts, and as a reconstructive procedure following breast surgery.

You can increase breast size one or several sizes by introducing a prosthesis below the breast or pectoral major muscle, that may be cohesive silicone gel (the latest in breast implants) the saline.

Breast Augmentation SurgeryWho is the ideal choice to undergo breast augmentation candidate?

The ideal candidates to undergo a breast surgery are those healthy people, emotionally stable comprising the results that can be obtained after surgery. Many women want to increase after a pregnancy or breastfeeding has fallen vacated and chest. Although there is increased risk that alter future pregnancies, yes should know that moms can fall back somewhat after a new pregnancy.

First Consultation.

During the first consultation, the plastic surgeon will evaluate the size and shape of the breasts, the firmness of the skin and overall health. It also performs breast examination and mammography in some cases, a study was prompted. He explained the different surgical techniques, the size and shape of your breasts and you have the options or combination of procedures that are best for you will be discussed.

Please state your expectations of honest and frank, so that the plastic surgeon is also open and show you the alternatives available to your problem, the risks and limitations of each. It will also explain what type of anesthesia to be used, whether or not to enter the clinic where the surgery and the cost of the intervention is made.

After surgery

After breast surgery is normal to be a little tired some days, but you can do almost to normal life 24-48 hours. Most discomfort is well controlled with prescribed medication by your plastic surgeon, although the breasts can hurt a couple of weeks. The bandage is removed the following day, being replaced by a special bra, to be kept in the manner prescribed by your surgeon. Stitches are removed between 7 and 14 days; edema not completely gives up the 4 th 8 weeks.

After a breast augmentation can return to work within days, depending on the activity carried out. Follow the instructions of your surgeon about what exercises can; will avoid lifting above the head during 4 weeks. Your breasts are more sensitive than normal during 2 a 3 weeks, so you may want to avoid excessive physical contact until 3 from 4 weeks. At first the scars will be pink, continually improve appearance from the 6 weeks. Suitable for every woman mammograms by age can still be performed, although it should be noted the existence of the prosthesis. The operation does not limit your ability to breastfeed if you become pregnant.

Are there risks?

The breast augmentation surgery is a safe, long as it is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. However, as with any operation there can always be complications and risks. In breast augmentation, the most common complication is capsular contracture, that occurs when the internal scar that forms around the implant shrinks in excess, causing the breast to become tougher. It can be treated in different ways, sometimes requiring remove said internal scar, even, replace defective prosthesis.

Another complication, own any surgery is the hematoma (accumulation of blood) only in specific cases requires further surgery to remove the accumulated blood. A very small percentage of women may have an infection around the prosthesis, usually in the first few weeks after surgery. Some women notice more or less sensitive nipples, even, insensitive. These changes are usually temporary, although in a few cases will be permanent. There is no evidence that breast implants affect fertility, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

It is extremely rare that the prosthesis can break, making the content goes out of its capsule. When the prosthesis is filled with serum, the liquid is absorbed quickly without causing any damage, reducing the breast volume in a few hours. If you are filled with silicone two things can happen: if the capsule formed by the body is not broken, not notice any change; si se ha roto, especially when it has been subjected to much pressure, silicone out by decreasing the volume of the breast. With both types of prostheses a new intervention will be necessary to replace.

There is no proven scientific evidence that breast prostheses cause cancer or connective tissue diseases. The placement of a prosthesis does not impede mammograms.

If the prosthesis during mammography screening shows no alteration is not necessary to replace.

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