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Improve Skins Peels for Acne

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acne_03 El acné que es una afección cutánea suele aparecer en la que en muchos casos y adolescencia acaba siendo invalidante . The boys and girls who are in this very difficult stage of life not even want to leave home because they dislike their image, and in some cases this dermatological problem comes to affect the psyche of children. Dr. Pilar Govantes, medical expert in aesthetic medicine and medical director of the clinic of aesthetic medicine in Barcelona Biosbcn, says what treatments work to eliminate acne problems.

Acne and Adolescents

Acne starts in a very bad age, where people felt more insecure and when we have more complex. In an age in which all rely on the outside. Factors that affect the appearance of acne focus on increased secretion of fat. This is associated with a thick skin which prevents excess sebum go outside, and eventually clog pores and forming grains and black points. All this can be also associated with a bacterial infection that encourages the emergence of severe acne. We must not forget, moreover, that genetics plays a role and that if parents had acne boys, It is more likely to have children too. Finally it should be mentioned that some foods may favor the development of this dermatological problem, foods such as dairy, coffee or chocolate. If a relationship is observed in this respect, it is best to avoid that food.

Facial hygiene

The person who has acne is not a lack of hygiene or the presence of dirt. Anyway, it is important to clean the skin every day both morning and evening to avoid the increase of seborrhea. Cleansing the skin sebum that is clogging the pores is removed and that acne makes progress.

Acne Treatment

In cases of acne, The treatment begins with facial hygienes. The first thing to do is clean the pores without steam, so that does not increase its diameter. This task should lie in the hands of a beautician. It is important to remember that the grains do not touch because aside from infected more, They leave marks which are difficult to remove. So important are regular hygienes, not allow time for the beads to settle in the skin. After these cleanings proceeds to query treatments that prevent the formation of grains. These treatments are grateful and fast and hygiene since the first noticeable results. Doctors peelings removed the layers that clog the pores, and within a month the patient will notice a completely different face. It works with Salicylic peels that reduce the thickness of the skin and reach the sebaceous gland, cleaning the pore. Anyway, There is a wide range of peels for acne is not a problem for anyone.

Beware the Sun

The sun has a beneficial action toward acne because it is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, but always in the proper dosages. Too much sun hardens the skin, increases its thickness and therefore the pore top, becomes infected and the grain becomes larger. Notably, while carrying out this facial treatment is not recommended sunbathing.

Scar correction

Acne scars are dangerous because they can be pigmented and be even more showy, especially if the sun falls. A pimple scar can be improved, no solution. If the marks are recent, at 98% cases are to recover working with peelings and laser regeneration factor to increase collagen formation.
