It is a technique used to inject vitamins and enzymes, and that it has a multitude of applications throughout the body.
Mesotherapy is a technique used to inject vitamins, enzymes, hormones and plant extracts, and can be used not only as a facial treatment, but also body and hair.
It was developed by the French doctor Michel Pistor, in 1952, who defined mesotherapy as “the therapeutic procedure that is injected directly into the specific area, with very fine and short needles, in the right place of pain or wherever the ailment is”.
It is a totally localized treatment that was developed only to treat pain, no how can we know her now.
In 1964, the French Society of Mesotherapy was founded (SFM). In 1983, developed mesoperfusion, a type of mesotherapy that does not require injection and later, in 1998, micromesotherapy arrived.
what can treat?
Although Dr. Pistor developed the technique to treat pain, How is a localized treatment in the necessary area, currently it can be used for any other treatment that is required. Depending on the products that we are going to use or inject, can be used for the following cases:
- Reduce fatty areas and body cellulite, like the stomach, knees, ankles, legs, arms or the same face.
- Fine lines and wrinkles on the face and body.
- skin flaccidity.
- Skin blemishes.
- alopecia problems.
Differences with other injectables
It is about supplying small amounts of injectable assets, directly towards the middle skin part, usually in the hypodermis or dermis. We call this type of product for intradermal use and it is applied in a very localized area..
Unlike cosmetic treatments, the active ingredients manage to cross the skin barrier and that is why the effectiveness is ensured.
Yes, it is true that the session is not pleasant enough because we have multiple bites, what causes inflammation. However, This same inflammation will also have the ability to activate and stimulate blood circulation..
Injections can be done one by one with a sufficiently short syringe and needle., known as mesotherapy gun, in which several needles are injected at the same time.
The depth is 1 a 4 millimeters in the skin, and it all depends on the need we have and the treatment we want to do. In each injection a small amount of product is inoculated, a little drop, and the depth can be marked by the size of the needle to be used.
The frequency of injections depends on the treatment, for example, from every week to every ten days. Equally, the effects of the treatments depend on what we are looking for or the effect we want.
who can do it?
In fact, all persons authorized to inject drugs, they will also be in applying mesotherapy.
beauty centers, the beauticians, They are not authorized to carry out this practice, but there is another way to apply mesotherapy that is electroporation, in which the active ingredients are absorbed into the skin.
However, It must be taken into account that not all assets are authorized to be injected and, consequently, It's not just a problem of who injects them, but what product and how.
What dangers can it have??
Elimination of localized fat, usually, it is a safe treatment, however, We must take into account that the active ingredients will directly cross the epidermal barrier, so, if you suffer from any allergies to any of them, there may be adverse reactions.
Side effects that may appear, They can be from local to general, nausea, pain, increased sensitivity of the area, inflammation, redness, itch, purple, injection site blisters, spots or can even become infected.
The most common adverse reactions are those that occur under the chin., and in the entire area around the eyes.
It is important to note that mesotherapy is not indicated even in children, neither in pregnant nor in lactating mothers.
To avoid many of the adverse reactions that mesotherapy can have, it is preferable to use the products already approved and, Not only that, but also the right combinations for it.
is it effective?
Evidently, if the asset goes directly to the area where it needs to act, it should be more effective than a simple cream that acts more superficially, however, effectiveness is also linked to the choice of the right active ingredients for each problem and their combination, as well as the frequency of this treatment and the help of other treatments such as manual or mechanical massages.
recommended treatments
For skin blemishes and whitening, there are some specific cocktails, the most widely used is tranexamic acid with the ability to inhibit tyrosinase, often combined with hyaluronic acid.
To stimulate hair growth, microinjections will stimulate blood circulation and provide nutrients to the follicle, assets such as epidermal growth factor are usually used, biotin, pantothenic acid…
Other treatments may include drugs such as finasteride or dutasteride.
Doctors can do corticosteroid therapy to stop a specific fall.
Reducing cellulite is perhaps one of the most sought after objectives of mesotherapy, for this the assets are very varied, from to eliminate inflammation of the nodules, to decrease fluid retention or improve fat burning.
Equally, when to treat cellulite, it is necessary to treat sagging skin in the same way, since both are very linked.
assets are used, like L-carnitine, enzymes, lipolytics such as mucopolysaccharidase, organic silicon, artichoke extract, caffeine.
What's more, there are some ‘cocktails’ that will not only serve us to treat facial or body skin problems, They will also help revitalize and hydrate the skin., are the famous 'vitamin cocktails’ like vitamin C, Vitamin B, hyaluronic acid, and products that will even stimulate the production of collagen and other fibers such as calcium hydroxyapatite that, In addition to improving the quality of the skin, It will help improve the volume of it.
Botulinum toxin is not used as mesotherapy, but injecting deeper; however, there is a technique to help reduce the size of the pore without so much effect on the facial musculature as it is more external, and is known as mesobotox.
Differences in the application
One-to-one injectables can be used, use a “pistol” in which several are injected at the same time or even without injection.
Some doctors quickly use the same syringe quickly injecting small content of actives: In this method, the technique and practice of the doctor is very important when using the gun in which there are several needles at the same time and the same device regulates the content of the substance to be injected., as well as the depth to which it is necessary to inject.
Virtual mesotherapy is the one that is applied by electroporation, in which the assets penetrate not so deeply, but it is effective thanks to the electrical emission making the cell wall more permeable: this method can also be used on different assets such as serums. And it is quite an effective alternative to injections.
Source: The Spanish