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What are the advantages of aesthetic medicine??

Thanks to aesthetic medicine, small or large imperfections on the face and body can be eliminated. This considerably improves the appearance of people and helps to increase confidence, self-esteem and take firm steps towards a happier life.

What's more, can you correct scars, stains or marks from accidents or to perform rhinoplasties that help people breathe properly and have a better quality of life and health.

What is aesthetic medicine?

Aesthetic medicine is the branch of medicine, and also the surgery, that employs the methods and procedures necessary to maintain, to restore, improve and promote well-being, aesthetics and good health.

aesthetic medicine, so, makes use of procedures and treatments both invasive in the operating room and non-invasive or minimally invasive. Namely, the latter require topical or local anesthesia and are performed on an outpatient basis.

While invasive or so-called plastic surgery is performed as large interventions that require general anesthesia and a properly equipped operating room.

aesthetic medicine, at the same time, has several special areas or branches:

  • cosmetic endocrinology: procedures related to cellulite and metabolism are included here. Liposuctions, mesotherapy and everything that has to do with the treatment of obesity, enter this field.
  • cosmetic dermatology: focuses on anti-aging skin treatments. It is an extensive and varied branch that includes invasive processes and topical treatments..
  • phleboaesthetics: treat varicose veins.
  • Genital aesthetics: performs remodeling of the genital areas.
  • Aesthetic obstetrics and gynecology: are aesthetic and beauty treatments during pregnancy, postpartum and also involves procedures during and after menopause.

Benefits of body treatments in aesthetic medicine

Body treatments are various procedures through which a person's appearance can be improved..

These treatments can be individual or combine various methods to improve skin elasticity., its wetting, minimize cellulite, exfoliate the body, achieve remodeling through massage, cold application, light or heat.

All this results in self-esteem and quality of life for patients. Below we comment on the advantages of undergoing these treatments or procedures.

Eliminate localized fat and reduce sizes

Body treatments allow you to eliminate localized fat that may not be lost with diets and that accumulates in the abdomen, thighs and/or hips.

The laser, polymer injection, radio frequency and massages serve this purpose

Thanks to the elimination of fat and cellulite, sizes can be reduced and show off a more slender and molded figure. Yes indeed, these treatments must be applied by aesthetic medicine professionals and in recognized clinics.

Collagen increase

Some of the treatments such as peeling, botox, hyaluronic acid, facial mesotherapy and biostimulation can stimulate the production of natural collagen for radiant skin and hair.


Massages allow you to relax after a hard day at work. This feeling of well-being can help physically and emotionally., as well as to fall asleep and stimulate the production of endorphins.

Reduce and eliminate varicose veins

This is another of the great advantages of body treatments. The possibility of minimizing and eliminating varicose veins is not just a matter of aesthetics, but health and wellness.

Varicose veins are a time bomb. besides pain, can cause bleeding and infection, seriously affecting the health of those who suffer from them

remove scars

Accident scars can affect a person's aesthetics and normal life. Certain body treatments help to eliminate marks and scars that were thought difficult to erase.

increase self esteem

Body procedures and aesthetic medicine in general help people feel better about themselves, with those around her and increases self-esteem.

If science can make people more beautiful, why not use it. There are many scientists who study to improve the appearance and health of society and that is something very positive..

Source: Woody